Mario Herbert’s Storytellers Workshop will give aspiring authors an insight into Mario’s writing process. Participants will learn how to plot the premise of a story, layout it’s structure and execute it with a professional polish. Additionally, as an author who went from a single short story to an entire series of interconnected story books, Mario will give insight on how to scale up your writing endeavour to build a larger universe.

Workshop Structure

The Storytellers Workshop is a six (6) week workshop, featuring one (1) session a week.

Session 1:Building your Story Premise2 Hours
Session 2:Mastering Story Layout2 Hours
Session 3:Bringing Polish, Life, Visuals & Colour2 Hours
Session 4:Vital Language Arts2 hours
Session 5:Engaging Vocabulary, Titles & Covers2 Hours
Session 6:Scaling Up & Building Your Universe2 Hours

Delivery Method

Sessions are delivered via Zoom Meeting. Extensive visual aides are provided during sessions.

Recommended Reading

Most principles discussed in the Storytellers Workshop will be illustrated by drawing examples from Mario Herbert’s body of work. While it is not required, participants who have read the stories will be better able to understand certain examples being shared.


Story Premise FormPlot your story premise and have it emailed to you immediately
Story Premise Form (Printable)Plot your story premise on a physical printed form.

Join a Workshop

January 9th – February 6th 2023:Completed
June 19th – June 23rd 2023:Registration Coming Soon