Releasing August 2024
Published by Redcore Publishing
4th Book in the Sha’Tanya Series
Barbadian school girl, Sha’Tanya Carter, has been through much upheaval and adversity, but she’s finally ready to graduate secondary school and become her best self. The birth of her best self, however, requires the death of her worst self.
From her love of recklessness and hype buses, to her hair gel addiction, to the very roots of her ghetto socialisation, all things that limit her must be tried by fire.
Before Sha’Tanya can ascend to her true calling, she must survive encounters with criminals, police officers, vindictive rivals and death itself, as she faces peril like never before!
How will Sha’Tanya survive these perils? What will it take for her to become her best self? What does that version of Sha’Tanya even look like? Find out in this epic conclusion, as the refining fires of life finally give rise to a new Sha’Tanya—unlimited!
3 Stories
90 Pages
5″ x 8″
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Previous Book in the Series: Sha’Tanya Underrated
Inside Sha’Tanya Unlimited
Stories In This Book:
The Graduation Express
When Sha’Tanya wakes up in the hospital, she struggles to recount the events that led from her secondary school graduation to a harrowing near-death experience.
The Great Hair Gel Apocalypse
When passing hurricanes disrupt cosmetic shipments, Sha’Tanya is face with a hair gel shortage. As her world falls apart, Sha’Tanya is prepared to source gel by any means necessary.
The Rival
Sha’Tanya’s makes an unexpected enemy at her new job, who threatens to change her life forever—for the worst. If she can overcome this rival, however, it promises to change her life forever—for the best!